Meerut College, Meerut : Salient Features
The main campus of College is spread over an area of 50 acres, which has Academic Departments, Laboratories, Library, and Study Centre of Indira Gandhi National Open University. Besides these, there are offices of NCC and NSS, Medical Health centre, gymnasium, a stationary shop, a post office and branches of Punjab National Bank and United Commercial Bank. The College imparts education at the graduate and post graduate levels and has facilities for research in the faculties of Arts, Science, Commerce, Education and Law. There are 184 full time highly qualified faculty members and approximately 456 research scholars of which more than 50 are getting fellowship from CSIR / UGC / ICSSR / Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship etc. pursuing research work for the award of Ph.D and Post Doctrate Research. Some of the faculty members also have research collaboration. The College is accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bangalore. It has also been awarded status of COLLEGE WITH POTENTIAL FOR EXCELLENCE by University Grants Commission, New Delhi. The college is also accredated "B" grade by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).
Some of the salient features of the College are as follows -
- ICT and CAL based teaching - learning being practiced and the unified State syllabi, UGC and NAAC guidlines being followed.
- INFLIBNET and E-Learning through BSNL Wi-fi Net connectivity. Central Library enriched with SOUL 2.0.
- Central Instrumentation Lab updated for research.
- Admission, Fees, Salary and Examination work is computerized.
- Computer Centre with 22 Computers is open for Students, Faculty and Staff.
- Another Computer Lab with more than 35 Computers is in the Self Finance Department.
- Several Departments (e.g. Statistics and Maths ) have their separate Computer Labs.

Introducing Meerut
Meerut has been a legendary city of cultural and historic importance all through the history of India. It is inhabited by people of heterogeneous castes and creeds. The first war of independence started from Meerut Cantt on 10th May,1857. The Meerut City is 65 km north of New Delhi. It is well connected by trains and bus service. The nearest airport was Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi. The famous Roman Catholic Church of Asia at Sardhana is about 20 km from Meerut. Hastinapur a famous centre of Jain Temples and pilgrimage is 36 km from Meerut city.
The region experiences extreme climatic conditions. In summers (April-July) temprature goes upto 42C and in winter (Nov - Feb) the temprature may reach about 4.C.
Our Management
Read More Dr. Om Prakash Agarwal
president -
Read More Shri. Vivek Kumar Garg
Hony Secretary -
Read More Prof. Yudhvir Singh